World Tunnel Congress 2019
The conference will be held in Naples from May 3 to May 9 and it will offer the traditional topics on design and construction of underground works, focusing on tunnelling, engineering and innovation. In addition, to combine some unusual topics suggested by the Neapolitans, which are true Italian trademarks, such as history (Archeology), design (Architecture) and genius & creativity (Art).
The Neapolitan area is the cradle of underground works, that date back to the Roman period, while at the same time, an innovative and future-oriented city. Therefore, WTC delegates will enjoy visiting the tunnelling history from the Roman period, to the newest award winning metro station. Moreover, thanks to its morphologic structure, its long experience in building tunnels, and underground works dating back to 5,000 years ago, Italy is able to offer a wide variety of examples forming the Triple “A” : Archaeology, Architecture and Art. Technical visits will include a visit to the longest underground railway in the world:
NAPLES: Borbonic Tunnel, Greek-Roman Aqueduct, the underground ruins of the Roman Theatre
ROME: Line C – the ‘Archeological’ Metro
BRENNER: Brenner Base Tunnel
Last but not least, WTC 2019 Naples will be an opportunity to organize special educational sessions. A number of WTC sessions will be broadcasted to universities and cultural associations, expanding the audience that can benefit from the knowledge shared by international experts.