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Cordes, Tobias; Reinhold, Chris; Schneider-Muntau, Barbara; Grüllich, Sebastian; Himmelsbach, Christian; Wehrmeyer, GerhardAnalyses of TBM disc cutter forces - application possibilities / Analyse der TBM-Diskenkräfte - AnwendungsmöglichkeitenGeomechanics and Tunnelling5/2019586-594Topics


Forecasts made during tunnelling of the daily advance, to control the machine, specify the lining and verify system behaviour are of great importance for safety and for the success of the whole project. In practice, such forecasts are obtained in deep tunnels by probe drilling, leading to downtime periods and by analog/digital face documentation with shorter downtime periods. Measurement and evaluation of rock mass cutting at the cutterhead of the TBM enables continuous monitoring without downtime. From the spatial distribution of the disc forces, basic geological/geotechnical information about the tunnel face can be derived. In addition, this data is valuable for load monitoring and monitoring the condition of the discs to determine the optimal changing time. This contribution deals with a geological-geotechnical interpretation of the disc forces of the open TBM on contract H33 Tulfes-Pfons of the Brenner Base Tunnel. The spatially distributed disc forces are evaluated and compared with the geological documentation.
Baubegleitende Prognosen für den täglich zu erwartenden Vortriebsablauf, die Steuerung der Maschine, die Ausbaufestlegung und die Überprüfung des Systemverhaltens sind wichtig für die Sicherheit und den Projekterfolg eines maschinellen Tunnelvortriebs. In der Praxis werden diese Prognosen bei tiefen Tunneln anhand von Vorauserkundungsbohrungen mit längeren Vortriebsstillständen und durch analoge/digitale Ortsbrustaufnahmen in halbtäglichen/täglichen Intervallen mit kurzen Vortriebsstillständen gewonnen. Eine kontinuierliche Überwachung ohne Bauverzug stellt die Messung und Auswertung des Gebirgslöseprozesses am Bohrkopf der TBM dar. Aus dem räumlichen Verlauf der Diskenkräfte können grundlegende geologische/geotechnische Informationen der Ortsbrust abgeleitet werden. Darüber hinaus sind diese Daten für die Last- und Zustandsüberwachung der Disken und den optimalen Zeitpunkt eines Diskenwechsels wertvoll. Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit einer geologisch-geotechnischen Interpretationen der Diskenkräfte an der offenen TBM im Baulos H33 Tulfes-Pfons des Brenner Basistunnels. Dabei werden die ausgewerteten räumlichen Diskenkräfte der geologischen Aufnahme gegenüberstellt.

Braun, Matthias; Obiala, Renata; Odenbreit, ChristophAnalyses of the loadbearing behaviour of deep-embedded concrete dowels, CoSFBSteel Construction3/2015167-173Articles


The development of the “CoSFB-Betondübel” is presented in this paper. The “CoSFB-Betondübel” is a deep-embedded concrete dowel connecting in situ concrete with a steel section to assure composite action and thus allow for composite beam design. The loadbearing behaviour and parameters influencing this behaviour were determined through experimental tests. Special focus was given to the influence of the ratio of the resistance of the concrete dowel to the concrete compression class. The evaluation of the results concluded in a National Technical Approval [1]. Further investigations were performed via FE analysis in ABAQUS. Further, 3D models with non-linear material and geometry were prepared and validation undertaken. In addition, a real application example of CoSFB is shown.

Graubner, Carl-Alexander; Koob, BenjaminAnalysis and comparison of the NDPs of various national annexes of Eurocode 6 / Analyse und Vergleich der NDPs verschiedener nationaler Anhänge zu Eurocode 6Mauerwerk6/2015427-440Fachthemen


In the national annexes of Eurocode 6, the individual European Member States can define values for nationally determined parameters in various places or add regulations which are not in contradiction to the current European provisions. Consequently - despite a harmonized Eurocode 6 - the normative regulations of the individual Member States differ more or less. However, in the sense of practicability of the standards in Europe, it should be the aim to develop a European standard which is as uniform as possible and which has not to be applied in significantly different ways due to the national regulations. In order to better understand the interests of the other Member States for future generations of standards and to derive potentials of harmonization, the values of the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) of various Member States are compared in this paper. In this context, the extent of the deviations between the different national annexes is examined and on this basis a possible potential of harmonization is identified.

Analysis and Optimum Design of Metal Structures (Farkas, J. und Jármai, K.)Stahlbau5/1998400Bücher


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Pittino, Philipp; Hafellner, HansAnalysis and refurbishment of damp cellar walls / Untersuchung und Sanierung eines feuchten Kellermauerwerks (Gutachten)Mauerwerk4/2019232-245Berichte


In the following expertise report, the existing condition of the cellar of a semi-detached house, which was built in a coupled construction, is analysed and considerations for a hygric refurbishment are discussed. First and foremost, it was necessary to find the cause of the damp present in the outside walls of the cellar of the building. In order to describe the current characteristics of the building, an inventory analysis was made of obvious building defects. This is summarised and described in the following report, which was the basis for all further proceeding. Building physics measurements and evaluations were carried out, building materials were examined for their physical properties and corresponding evaluations and analyses were carried out. Finally, all measurement results and findings were collected to provide a conclusive explanation for the existing defects to the building fabric of the building. This in turn was the foundation for all further measures to be taken in order to determine the necessary remediation concepts and changes to the interior design or the use of the rooms. The aim was to make the cellar space fully usable again and to be able to hand over a list of proposals for the necessary technical remediation measures to the client.

Drobiec, ?ukaszAnalysis of AAC walls subjected to vertical load / Analyse von vertikal belasteten Porenbeton-WändenMauerwerk6/2019387-403Berichte


The paper describes the results of testing six autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) walls on a natural scale. The walls were made of 18 cm wide blocks and thin layer joints. Reinforced and non-reinforced walls were tested. Basalt grids and typical steel reinforcement (truss type) were used as reinforcements. The load was applied by a reinforced concrete rim beam. In the first part of the tests, the impact of the opening (window) on stress distribution and the load capacity of the wall was analysed. In the second part of the tests, the unequally loaded connection zone of perpendicular walls was analysed. The results were used to draw practical conclusions on rules of additional reinforcement of zones surrounding openings and connection zones of perpendicular walls.

Rossi, Pierre; Daviau-Desnoyers, Dominic; Tailhan, Jean-LouisAnalysis of cracking in steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) structures in bending using probabilistic modellingStructural Concrete3/2015381-388Technical Papers


An improvement to the probabilistic discrete cracking model for fibre-reinforced concretes, originally developed by Rossi, is proposed in this paper.
This new model features the following:
- Crack formation and propagation in the concrete is taken into account by using special interface elements. These elements open once the normal tensile stress at their centre of gravity reaches the tensile strength of the element. The probabilistic aspect of the cracking process is taken into account by the fact that the tensile strength is randomly distributed throughout the mesh elements.
- Immediately after the formation of cracks, the fibre bridging effect is considered by a damage model approach. The probabilistic aspect consists of randomly distributing the post-cracking energy.
The improved numerical model is used to analyse the bending behaviour of three SFRC beams made from the same material. The numerical simulations are compared with experimental results in terms of the global behaviour of and cracking processes in the beams.

Analysis of fatigue test data to reassess EN 1993-1-9 detail categoriesStahlbau12/20201002Empfehlungen der Redaktion


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Bartsch, Helen; Drebenstedt, Karl; Seyfried, Benjamin; Feldmann, Markus; Kuhlmann, Ulrike; Ummenhofer, ThomasAnalysis of fatigue test data to reassess EN 1993-1-9 detail categoriesSteel Construction4/2020280-293Articles


This paper addresses the assessment of fatigue details according to EN 1993-1-9, which form the basis of the most important fatigue verification, the nominal stress approach. First of all, a suitable statistical methodology had to be defined for consistent detail classification. A structured database on the MySQL platform serves as a basis for the evaluation of the detail categories. In addition to fatigue test data documented in the background document to EN 1993-1-9, this database also includes new test data provided by the authors. After selecting the most meaningful test data, important details, such as longitudinal welds, were reassessed. In addition, the authors carried out fatigue tests in connection with numerical simulations in order to be able to evaluate the fatigue strength with better accuracy. The results so far show that the details analysed often prove to have a higher fatigue strength than currently documented in EN 1993-1-9.

Wu, Xun; Wu, Taotao; Chen, WeizhenAnalysis of height difference between three trusses of a steel truss bridge during incremental launchingStahlbau9/2018910-922Fachthemen


An incremental launching method with the advantages of saving construction space, a less complicated construction programme and fast construction speed has been widely used in engineering. Huanghe Bridge is a double-deck rail-and-road steel truss bridge with stiffened suspension cables; the incremental launching method was used for this bridge. A height difference between the three main trusses caused by an assembly error can result in large reaction forces in one or two slide shoes under the three main trusses during the launch because the bridge is very heavy, which can make the stresses in the main bridge and the temporary supports exceed the allowable stress, which would be harmful to the bridge construction. To study the influences of height-difference changes on the stresses in the entire bridge including the temporary supports, a finite element simulation is used to analyse the global and local stresses of the entire bridge. The results show that if the height difference is outside the range +20 mm to -30 mm, the stresses in the temporary supports near the pier will exceed the allowable stress during the launch. The height-difference values of the three trusses should therefore be restricted to ensure the safety of the construction. The limit values of the height difference are confirmed using a finite element model of the entire bridge. Moreover, in the local finite element model, the local structure is within the safety range when the confirmed height difference occurs, which ensures the rationality of the confirmed height difference values. The results of the finite element simulation are approximately the same as those of an actual measurement performed during the launch, and the reasonable limit values for the height difference between three trusses are +15 mm and -25 mm respectively. These limit values are the construction control values provided for the construction unit. Finally, solutions to decrease the influence of the height difference are given.

Analyse der Höhendifferenz zwischen drei Fachwerken einer Stahlfachwerkbrücke während des Taktschiebeverfahrens.
Das Taktschiebeverfahren ist aufgrund seiner Platz-, Zeit- und Ausführungsvorteile weit verbreitet im Ingenieurbau. Die Brücke über den gelben Fluss in Jinan ist eine doppelstöckige Eisenbahnbrücke aus Stahlfachwerk mit versteiften Tragelementen, die im Taktschiebeverfahren errichtet wird. Ein Höhenunterschied zwischen den drei Hauptfachwerkträgern infolge eines Montagefehlers kann während des Vorschubs zu großen Reaktionskräften an einem oder zwei Gleitschuhen unter den drei Hauptfachwerken führen, da die Brücke sehr schwer ist. Hierbei ist nicht auszuschließen, dass die Belastung der Hauptbrücke und der Traggerüste das zulässige Maß übersteigt und die Brückenkonstruktion Schaden nimmt. Um den Einfluss veränderlicher Höhendifferenzen auf die Belastung der gesamten Brücke einschließlich der Traggerüste zu untersuchen, werden mithilfe einer Finite-Elemente-Simulation die globalen und lokalen Belastungen der gesamten Brücke analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass bei einer Höhendifferenz von mehr als +20 mm oder weniger als -30 mm die Spannungen der Traggerüste in der Nähe des Pfeilers die zulässige Belastung während des Vorschubs übersteigen. Die Höhendifferenzwerte der drei Fachwerke müssen daher begrenzt werden, um die Sicherheit der Konstruktion zu gewährleisten. Die Grenzwerte der Höhendifferenz wurden mithilfe eines Finite-Elemente-Modells der gesamten Brücke bestätigt. Darüber hinaus liegt im lokalen Finite-Elemente-Modell die lokale Konstruktion bei Auftreten der bestätigten Höhendifferenz im Sicherheitsbereich, was die Rationalität der bestätigten Höhendifferenzwerte sicherstellt. Die Ergebnisse der Finite-Elemente-Simulation entsprechen in etwa denjenigen einer tatsächlichen Messung während des Vorschubs, und die angemessenen Grenzwerte für die Höhendifferenz zwischen drei Fachwerken liegen bei +15 mm bzw. -25 mm. Bei diesen Grenzwerten handelt es sich um die für das Bauteil vorgesehenen Bauvorgabewerte. Abschließend werden Lösungen zur Verringerung des Einflusses des Höhenunterschiedes aufgezeigt.

Kerr, A. D.Analysis of plates that rst on expansive subgrades (Berechnung von Platten auf quellfähigem Untergrund).Bautechnik7/1996447-453Fachthemen


Zuerst wird die Entwicklung der Forschung zu der Thematik kurz beschrieben. Das vorgestellte Berechnungsverfahren basiert auf der Annahme, daß die Wirkung des Quellens oder Schwindens von Böden durch eine Vorverformung des Baugrundmodells simuliert werden kann. Zwei spezifische Probleme werden formuliert und Lösungen angeboten: 1. Die Platte hat vollen Kontakt mit dem Boden; 2. Die Platte löst sich von der Unterlage. Mit den erhaltenen geschlossenen Lösungen werden die analytischen und mechanischen Zusammenhänge der vorgeschlagenen Lösungsmethode zur Berechnung von Konstruktionen erläutert, die auf expansivem Boden gegründet sind.

Vassilev ?, Todor; Salehi, HamidrezaAnalysis of rectangular cross sections under double eccentric compression stress / Spannungen im Rechteckquerschnitt mit versagender Zugzone bei doppelt exzentrischem DruckMauerwerk1/201844-49Berichte


Double eccentrically loaded cross-sections with failing tension zone occur both in foundation engineering and in masonry building. The case of walls or columns loaded with double eccentricity by a normal force was no longer covered under the global safety concept of DIN 1053-1 and is thus not normally considered in practice. With the transition to the semi-probabilistic safety concept, verification of the cross-section at the limit state of loadbearing capacity is performed near or at the failure state. This also made it necessary as part of the introduction of EN 1996-1-1 to introduce a verification for double eccentrically loaded cross-sections. The present article considers the non-linear stress distribution in double eccentrically loaded cross-sections and the resulting position of the neutral axis. The described process is numerically robust and can be implemented with little effort for the analysis of masonry as an Excel spreadsheet.

Stempfle, Hartwig; Weber, Marius; Wipfli, ManuelAnalysis of steel-reinforced masonry walls regarding maximum shear loads / Traglastberechnung von vertikal bewehrten MauerwerksscheibenMauerwerk3/2016232-242Fachthemen


Loadings on masonry for the earthquake case pose particular challenges for the material. In order to improve the load-bearing and deformation behaviour, masonry building elements can be strengthened with reinforcement. This article presents an analytical model for the calculation of the load-bearing capacity of vertically reinforced masonry panels. The masonry is modelled as a homogeneous and anisotropic material and failure conditions are based on the plastic theory. Using uniaxially loaded stress fields and considering the structural constraints, a lower load-bearing threshold can be given. In order to verify the model, three shear tests on reinforced sand-lime block masonry were recalculated regarding their load-bearing capacity. The test panels each contained vertical steel reinforcement in the blocks. The blocks were laid in thin bed mortar.

Bianchi, Gianpino WalterAnalysis of TBM parameters during tunnelling in adverse conditions - The case study of the Frejus Safety Tunnel, Western AlpsGeomechanics and Tunnelling1/202347-52Topics


One of the main hazards during tunnel boring machine (TBM) excavation in hard rock is related to the occurrence of unforeseen adverse conditions, leading to unfavourable rock mass behaviour during tunnel boring. In this respect, the continuous analyses of TBM excavation parameters may represent an interesting tool for a continuous monitoring of geotechnical conditions at the tunnel face and for early detection of changing ground conditions in the rock mass. This work provides a back-analysis of TBM data recorded during the excavation of the Frejus Safety Tunnel, bored across the French-Italian border in the Western Alps. It is a 13 km-long tunnel excavated by a 9.4 m diameter, single-shield TBM through strongly anisotropic calcareous schist, with cover up to 1800 m. Main problems faced during TBM excavation were related to the local occurrence of buckling-related convergence and consequent asymmetrical loading on the precast segment rings. Correlating TBM performance parameters to the encountered geological and geomechanical conditions provides the possibility to identify which parameters are most affected by geomechanical properties of the rock mass at the tunnel face and by rock mass behaviour. Conversely, the analysis indicates which parameters can be adopted as monitoring tool of ground conditions during TBM advance. In addition, this work highlights how buckling phenomena can be distinguished, in terms of TBM operation and performance, from other adverse conditions as, e.g., blocky ground or squeezing.

Alani, Amir M.; Aboutalebi, MortezaAnalysis of the subgrade stiffness effect on the behaviour of ground-supported concrete slabsStructural Concrete2/2012102-108Articles


This paper confirms that the structural behaviour of ground-supported slabs is a non-linear function of the structural properties of slabs as well as the supporting soil. The findings reported emphasize that the suggested equations used in design codes pay insufficient attention to the effect of the supporting ground stiffness within the context of the mechanical behaviour of slabs as far as ductility is concerned. The results presented demonstrate that ground stiffness has a significant effect on the ductility of ground-supported slabs. It also pays particular attention to the possibility of determining the ductility limit of slabs.

Großauer, K.; Schubert, W.Analysis of Tunnel Displacements for the Geotechnical Short Term PredictionGeomechanik und Tunnelbau5/2008477-485Fachthemen


Measurement of displacements in tunnels is primarily used for the assessment of the stabilization process and the verification of the system behaviour. In addition the displacement data can be used for the prediction of changing ground conditions ahead of the face. For this purpose, the evaluation of displacement vector orientation turned out to be the most appropriate method. Several authors showed the influence of the excavation on the stress and displacement field when tunnelling through zones of different stiffness. One of the main findings was that the displacement vector orientation significantly changes when the excavation approaches ground with different deformability. Hence, it was concluded that the development of the spatial orientation of the displacement vector can be used for the prediction of the ground conditions ahead of the face. The main results of the investigations performed are summarized in this paper. The evaluation of data from three different case histories is shown in order to encourage the use of advanced displacement data evaluation.

Belletti, Beatrice; Damoni, Cecilia; Hendriks, Max A. N.; de Boer, AneAnalytical and numerical evaluation of the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete slabsStructural Concrete3/2014317-330Technical Papers


The aim of this research is to compare the predictions of the design load-carrying capacity of slabs obtained with simplified analytical and numerical procedures which can be readily used by analysts in the current design process. The research fits into a research programme initiated by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment for the re-examination of the load-carrying capacity of existing bridges and viaducts, and the beams and slabs they include, through the use of non-linear finite-element analyses. The behaviour of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to concentrated loads close to their supports is investigated in this contribution. Three tests from a series of 18 slabs with a total of 108 tests, tested at Delft University of Technology, were selected as case studies and analysed with non-linear finite-element analyses and analytical models either proposed by design codes or available in the literature. The research agrees well with the philosophy of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010, which offers different analytical and numerical calculation methods for evaluating the design shear resistance of reinforced concrete members according to different levels of approximation. For the three slabs investigated in this study, it indeed pays to use higher levels of approximation. The highest level (level IV) based on non-linear finite element analysis gives the highest design load resistance, but still well below the resistance obtained experimentally.

Gloimüller, Stefan; Pánová, Petra; Lang, GeorgAnalytical and numerical load evaluation from excavation shoring on the powerhouse Kirchbichl / Analytische und numerische Belastungsermittlung aus Baugrubenumschließung auf das Krafthaus KirchbichlGeomechanics and Tunnelling5/2020566-573Topics


Tiroler Wasserkraft AG realized the extension of hydropower plant Kirchbichl located in the Unterinntal built in the 1940s for the first time. The excavation pits were retained by a bored pile wall with jet grouting connections between the piles, supported with up to two bracing horizons. Safety against uplift during construction stage is managed by a deep-set jet grouting plate, which is partially anchored. Due to the dismantling of the bracing during the construction progress a partially load transfer from the bored pile wall on the partly completed concrete construction and the jet grouted plate occurs. This interaction is simulated at the static calculations. The excavation shoring was calculated by using a geotechnical program. The resulting spring supporting forces from geotechnical consideration were used in the finite element model as loads on the new reinforced concrete walls to calculate the necessary reinforcement content during construction sequence. The results from construction sequence were perpetuated at final state of the new powerhouse structure to get the governing reinforcement content.
Das Bauvorhaben Kraftwerk Kirchbichl-Erweiterung der Tiroler Wasserkraft AG liegt im Unterinntal und dient in Zukunft als Erweiterung des in den 1940er-Jahren errichteten Wasserkraftwerks. Zur Sicherung der Baugruben wurden aufgelöste Bohrpfahlwände mit dazwischen liegenden DSV-Zwickeln abgeteuft und mit bis zu zwei Aussteifungshorizonten gegenseitig abgestützt. Die Auftriebssicherheit während des Bauzustands bildet eine hochliegende DSV-Platte mit teilweiser Verankerung. Mit fortschreitendem Bau erfolgt durch den Ausbau der Steifen eine partielle Lastübertragung von Bohrpfahlsystem auf den teilweise fertiggestellten Stahlbetonbau des KH 2 und die DSV-Sohle. Diese Bauwerksinteraktion wird in statischen Berechnungen simuliert. Die Baugrubenumschließung wird mit einem geotechnischen Programm ausgelegt. Die in der geotechnischen Betrachtung resultierenden Federauflagerkräfte werden wiederum als Kräfte auf die Krafthausstruktur für deren bewehrungstechnische Auslegung im Bauzustand angesetzt. In den statischen Berechnungen wird dieser Kraftzustand in den Endzustand weitergeführt; um dadurch die resultierende maximale Bewehrung zu erhalten.

Niederegger, P.; Knobloch, M.; Fontana, M.Analytical calculation model for unstiffened elements with nonlinear stress-strain relationships under uniform compressionSteel Construction1/200942-49Articles


This paper presents an improved analytical calculation model for unstiffened elements with nonlinear stress-strain relationships (e.g. aluminium and stainless steel) subjected to uniform in-plane compression. The model takes material nonlinearity into account by means of the Ramberg-Osgood constitutive law. It is based on the results of a numerical parametric study of the load-carrying behaviour of unstiffened elements. A comparative study shows good agreement between test results and analytically determined strengths according to the new calculation model.

Seidel, MarcAnalytical calculation of stress concentrations at welded flange necksStahlbau6/2020551-560Aufsätze


Ring flange connections for tubular towers, such as those for wind turbines or chimneys, are subjected to significant fatigue loading. Apart from the bolts, it is also necessary to carry out a fatigue analysis of the weld connecting the flange to the tower shell. Owing to the presence of the flange, local bending moments occur in the shell which increase the nominal (membrane) stresses, i. e. stress concentrations occur. This paper presents an analytical model for calculating these local bending moments such that stress concentrations can be determined. The analytical model was compared with results from 3D finite element models, and good agreement was found. The results from the model presented are thus deemed appropriate for design purposes.

Analytische Berechnung von Spannungskonzentrationen an Schweißnähten von Ringflanschverbindungen
Ringflanschverbindungen für Rohrtürme, wie solche für Windenergieanlagen oder Schornsteine, sind einer erheblichen Ermüdungsbeanspruchung ausgesetzt. Neben den Schrauben muss auch die Schweißnaht, die den Flansch mit der Turmschale verbindet, gegen Ermüdungsversagen abgesichert werden. Aufgrund des Vorhandenseins des Flansches treten lokale Biegemomente in der Schale auf, die die nominelle Membranspannung erhöhen, d. h., es treten Spannungskonzentrationen auf. In dieser Arbeit wird ein analytisches Modell vorgestellt, um solche lokalen Biegemomente zu berechnen, sodass Spannungskonzentrationen bestimmt werden können. Das analytische Modell wird mit den Ergebnissen von 3D-Finite-Elemente-Modellen verglichen, wobei eine gute Übereinstimmung festgestellt wird. Die Ergebnisse des vorgestellten Modells werden daher für Entwurfszwecke als angemessen erachtet.

Delnavaz, Ali; Hamidnia, MohammadAnalytical investigation on shape configuration of CFRP strips on lateral loading capacity of strengthened RC shear wallStructural Concrete6/20161059-1070Technical Papers


In the past few years, the use of carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) has increased, because of their high strength, in concrete elements such as shear walls. In this study, the behaviour of a shear wall strengthened with different layout configurations of CFRP under lateral loading was investigated. For this purpose, a model is first verified in laboratory work, then in the next step the models were analysed by increasing the number of fibre layers and the effect of fibre layers on shear wall capacity was studied. Sliding between fibres and concrete was neglected. Also the effect of increasing the concrete strength of a reinforced concrete (RC) wall on CFRP strengthening was studied. In all models, comparisons were made between the results of CFRP configurations in increasing lateral strength and also ductility. Finally, by comparing the results, the best fibre configuration was determined based on the maximum load capacity.

Tenpierik, M.; van der Spoel, W.; Cauberg, H.Analytical Model for Predicting Thermal Bridge Effects due to Vacuum Insulation Panel Barrier EnvelopesBauphysik1/200838-45Fachthemen


Because of a necessity for sustainability and thus for a reduction of the amount of primary energy generated with fossil fuels, vacuum insulation panels (VIP) have recently caught the attention of practitioners in the building industry. The reduction of layer thickness may be considered among the most promising features for large-scale application of VIPs in buildings. The high barrier laminate (or casing) with relatively high thermal conductivity envelops the core material, thus introducing a thermal bridge at the panel edges and corners. Especially for barrier laminates containing ?thick? metal foils, the thermal bridge effect needs to be considered thoughtful. In this contribution analytical models are presented which on the one hand allow rapid estimation of the VIP?s overall thermal performance and on the other hand show the influence of material and geometric parameters on this performance. The analytical models are validated through numerical simulations.

Rechenmodell für zur Vorhersage von Wärmebrückeneffekten an der Hülle aus Hochbarrierefolien von Vakuum-Isolations-Paneelen (VIP)
Aufgrund der Notwendigkeit von nachhaltigem Bauen und Energieeinsparung wird zunehmend der Einsatz von Vakuum-Isolations-Paneelen (VIP) zur Wärmedämmung im Bauwesen erwogen, insbesondere ist damit die erhebliche Reduzierung der Wärmedämmschichtdicke möglich. Die Umhüllung aus Hochbarrierefolien erfordert allerdings die Berücksichtigung der Wärmebrückenwirkung. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt Berechnungsmodelle vor, welche einerseits die schnelle Abschätzung des thermischen Verhaltens von VIP-Elementen ermöglichen und andererseits den Einfluss der Geometrie und Konstruktion der Elemente aufzeigen. Die Berechnungsmodelle wurden anhand von Simulationen validiert.

Hussein, Luaay; Amleh, LamyaAnalytical modelling of bond stress at steel-concrete interface due to corrosionStructural Concrete4/2016541-552Technical Papers


An analytical model is proposed for bond stresses at the corroded steel-concrete interface in reinforced concrete. The concrete around the corroded bar is modelled as a thick-walled cylinder - consisting of an inner cylinder of an anisotropic material and an outer cylinder made of an isotropic material - subjected to internal pressure exerted by the growth of corrosion products on the concrete wall at the interface. A frictional model is used to combine the action of confining pressure due to radial pressure produced by principal bar ribs and the pressure resulting from expansion of corrosion products. The analysis results using the proposed model show good agreement with the experimental results of several researchers.

Hanawa, Y.; Bergmann, R.Analytical study on the shearing force share of I-shaped beam with reinforced concrete between the flanges (Analytische Untersuchung zur Querkraftverteilung bei I-Profilen mit ausbetonierten Kammern)Stahlbau3/2000184-190Fachthemen


Das Tragverhalten von I-Profilen mit Betonfüllung zwischen den Flanschen wird analytisch untersucht. Durch Ansatz von Reibung zwischen Stahl und Beton mit realistischen Reibungskoeffizienten kann das Verbundverhalten des Trägers simuliert werden. Die Aufteilung einer Querkraft in Stahlprofil- und Betonanteil wird ermittelt. Dabei werden Einflüsse aus Schublänge, Querschnittshöhe und Normalkraftwirkung untersucht.

Perau, Eugen; Meteling, NilsAnalytisch formulierte Näherungslösungen zur Grundwasserströmung bei einer Restwasserhaltunggeotechnik1/20172-14Fachthemen


Bei der Erstellung von Baugruben im Grundwasser ist es sinnvoll, die Verbauwände in eine schwächer durchlässige Bodenschicht einzubinden und eine Restwasserhaltung zu betreiben. Da bei einer solchen Konstruktion die Verbauwände unterströmt werden, entsteht ein Strömungsfeld, das für verschiedene Berechnungen und Standsicherheitsnachweise ermittelt werden muss. So müssen z. B. hydraulische Gradienten, Filtergeschwindigkeiten sowie Potenziale und Porenwasserdrücke bestimmt werden. Diese werden zur Ermittlung der Wandbelastung aus Erd- und Wasserdruck, bei den Nachweisen gegen hydraulischen Grundbruch, gegen innere Erosion, gegen Versagen des Erdwiderlagers sowie zur Bestimmung des Grundwasserzuflusses verwendet.
Mit der Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) wird für derartige Strömungsprobleme eine systematische Parameterstudie durchgeführt, auf deren Basis analytische Näherungslösungen unter Einbeziehung theoretischer Grenzfälle formuliert werden. Eine Optimierung der durchgeführten Parameterstudie sowohl für den ebenen als auch für den rotationssymmetrischen Strömungszustand mit isotropem und anisotropem Baugrund ist möglich, indem das Strömungsproblem zunächst als parametrisiertes Randwertproblem definiert wird. Eine Auswertung der mathematischen Eigenschaften des Randwertproblems sowie der Dimensionsanalyse ermöglicht eine erhebliche Reduzierung der Anzahl der Parameter.

Analytical approximate solution for ground water flow at a residual water drainage system.
If excavations are conducted which go below the groundwater table, it makes sense to embed the pit wall in a less permeable soil stratum and to operate a residual water drainage system. With such a construction water flows under the pit walls and so a flow field arises which has to be determined for various calculations and stability verifications. For instance, hydraulic gradients, discharge velocities as well as potential heads and pore-water pressures have to be calculated. These values are needed to determine the earth and water pressure distribution. They can also be used for verifications in relation to hydraulic failure, internal erosion and failure of the earth support, and also for the calculation of groundwater influx. Using the Finite Element Method (FEM) a systematic parameter study is conducted as the basis for formulating analytical approximation solutions, including theoretical boundary cases. It is possible to optimize the parametric study for both plane and axis-symmetrical states with isotropic and anisotropic subsoil and to do this by defining the hydraulic problem as a parameterized boundary value problem. By evaluating the mathematical characteristics of the boundary value problem and conducting a dimensional analysis it is possible to reduce the number of parameters considerably.
